Sun Gazing Meditation(Gain cosmic energy by sun gazing)

In Indian yoga not only benefit to common weakness, But obtaining more magical power such as telepathy ,magnetic power etc.

The source of energy in whole universe is cosmic energy .
All energies derivative of cosmos ,we can say our food gets the energy from sun (solar energy ) but plant have specific process by which they synthesize sunlight into energy and nutrients however this conjunction with the soil and water in which plant is rooted.

What is sun gazing?

Sun gazing is like one point concentration (meditation or Tratak) practice gradually introducing sunlight into your eyes at lowest ultraviolet-light .Best time of day sunrise and sunset for sun gazing meditation practice .You must be barefoot ,in contact to conductive or earth ,mud ,soil .You began with 5 second and day by day increase 5 second in interval .

Science behind sun gazing yogic practice:

This could actually be considered a meditation ,as you focusing on the sun ,and increase your connection with the earth by being barefoot.
When you focusing to sun light enters through eyes way and charging the hypothalamus tract is connected to retina and retina connected to your brain like tree .
By the cosmic energy which is entered in your eyes way activate your nerve easily and feel body very light .
You can think in initial stage that you absorbing solar energy and your 7 Chakras are magnetic coils which is charged by the sun light .
I explain it like fluoride in water ,and how it steal electrons from the body the process describe if we absorbed light or photon from the sun or moon or from any star directly or indirectly that cause photo chemical reaction in  the brain ,photo chemical reaction requires electron for the reaction to take place ,so it will use up electrons that are stored in the body for the process now take this a step further and earth the body to the ground and you create a flow of charge for the reaction .
This all process done like we can say method of photosynthesis of plants .

Precaution during sun gazing meditation :

1} Follow natural rule like plants and trees.
2} You must barefoot like trees for grounding and maintain flow of charge .
3} Don't stop eating food and water.
4} Body requires 5 elements always for good health .
5} Don't stare sun after 8.00 am or noon days .

Similar meditation tricks:-
1} You can stare full moon light meditation.
2} You use one point concentration through crystal or candle .
3} You can stare other objects also naturally.

Benefits of sun gazing:-

1} Your vitamin D level of body increased.
2} This is for Chakra working better and activation.
3} You increase your confidence level gradually.
4} You increase your ability to solve problem.
5} Eye sight improving.
6} Balance better
7} B P normal
8} losing weight
9} Concentration increases
10} Become super human by practice of this amazing meditation trick .
11} Your body become more powerful by Daily practice .


{Yoga is best way to communicate with The nature ................PRASHANT SHUKLA}


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